Water Safety Top Priority for Fourth of July Holiday with SWIMkids USA Providing Water Watcher Bags Free

Retreat for New Moms
* * * ONLY FIVE SPOTS LEFT * * * The Stretch Marks Retreat will give you the time and space to rest, regroup, and refocus on how you want to spend your precious time and valuable energy. You’ll learn to Smash your iShoulds, flaunt your failures, and turn up your intuitive instincts. The weekend schedule nicely balances time to yourself, discussion with like women to support and inspire one another, and a multitude of fitness, hiking, lounging, and spa options. read more…

Retreat for New Moms
* * * ONLY FIVE SPOTS LEFT * * * The Stretch Marks Retreat will give you the time and space to rest, regroup, and refocus on how you want to spend your precious time and valuable energy. You’ll learn to Smash your iShoulds, flaunt your failures, and turn up your intuitive instincts. The weekend schedule nicely balances time to yourself, discussion with like women to support and inspire one another, and a multitude of fitness, hiking, lounging, and spa options. read more…

The Lovely Daughters of My Best Mom Friend

The Most Tiniest Reindeer of All
One of our favorite Active Moms is the genius behind this photo that defines adorable. Our @corihutch on IG has such an eye for capturing inspiring and heart warming and straight up cute photos, follow her to see.

Right Down Santa Claus Lane
To Light Up the World
Sunnies All Around
Cori M. ?? South Scottsdale Mommy of these three cuties and photog with mad skills (taking this amazing selfie + 3) says:
We love to get out and explore all over the Valley. I’m home all day with these three minis (Sadie 4, CJ 2, Will 2 months). We also love all shades because the sun here is just so bright. We got these from the Phoenix Children’s Hospital booth at the Children’s Festival in Scottsdale last weekend. Since we all had matching sunnies we took advantage of a photo op.
Raising Eyebrows in Tempe
Little One
K, this is why I so love connecting on Instagram with you, cherished Active Mom reader. Can you believe how heartwarmingly sweet this photo is? Our Mama reports that this is a regular occurrence and that these two are fast friends, together all the time. read more…